와이낫 : 습관 형성 + 공부 타이머 + 시간 관리

by LIOS_studio



1. Success of the day starts with small promises and habits. Ynot is a companion that can grow together by forming habits that you want to repeat every day, setting important goals as goals. Share your goals with friends and start your day with something meaningful!2. Use various timers to record time. You can get meaningful statistics with a timer that suits your purpose, such as Pomodoro, SAT, and Time Attack. Use your time efficiently!3. Prioritize and plan the important things first. The key to time management is having clear priorities. Ynot helps you fill your day more efficiently by defining clear priorities.4. Time recorded by the timer and daily goal achievement records are provided as statistics. These statistics help users achieve their goals without wasting time. Plan a better life with time management insights.